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Sunday, June 30, 2024

AMD acquires open-source AI software program pioneer Nod.ai to fortify AI capabilities

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Superior Micro Units (AMD) introduced right now plans to amass Nod.ai, a startup that makes a speciality of optimizing AI software program for high-performance {hardware}.

The acquisition of Nod.ai, based simply three years in the past, reveals that AMD is critical about staking a declare within the quickly rising AI chip market, which is predicted to achieve $383.7 billion by 2032,  in response to trade analysts. Monetary phrases of the acquisition weren’t disclosed.

The settlement underscores AMD’s development technique within the AI sector, which is centered on an open software program ecosystem that simplifies the adoption course of for patrons by means of developer instruments, libraries, and fashions. This acquisition provides one other feather to AMD’s cap because it continues its enlargement into the quickly evolving AI trade.

Strategic acquisition in of an open-source chief

Nod.ai is a startup that gives key enabling applied sciences for future AI programs utilizing superior compiler-based approaches, as an alternative of legacy handwritten kernels.

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The corporate created the SHARK Machine Studying Distribution, which is constructed on LLVM, MLIR, OpenXLA’s IREE and Nod.ai’s tuning. Nod.ai’s software program can speed up the deployment of AI fashions throughout a broad vary of platforms powered by AMD’s architectures, comparable to Intuition information middle accelerators, Ryzen AI processors, EPYC processors, Versal SoCs and Radeon GPUs.

The acquisition is predicted to considerably improve AMD’s capacity to offer AI clients with open software program that enables them to simply deploy extremely performant AI fashions tuned for AMD {hardware}, in response to Vamsi Boppana, senior vp, Synthetic Intelligence Group at AMD.

“The acquisition of Nod.ai is predicted to considerably improve our capacity to offer AI clients with open software program that enables them to simply deploy extremely performant AI fashions tuned for AMD {hardware},” he stated in a press release.

AMD has been investing closely in AI applied sciences lately , comparable to CDNA, XDNA, RDNA and Zen architectures, to compete with rivals like Nvidia and Intel within the fast-growing AI market. In accordance with an trade report, the worldwide AI market dimension is estimated to achieve round $594 billion by 2032.

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Along with the expertise, AMD stated it goals to leverage the engineering expertise from Nod.ai to spice up its open-source developer cred. Nod.ai is a contributor to AI software program repositories like SHARK and Torch-MLIR utilized by many researchers.

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